School Dental Exams in Blackfoot, ID
Back-to-school time means many new things will be added to your to-do list, but one thing you’ll want to check off if your child’s back-to-school dental examination. At your child’s back-to-school dental exam, your dentist will be checking over your child’s mouth entirely to ensure everything is lining up correctly and growing in healthy. This exam will ultimately help your child avoid misalignment, cavities, and other dental problems that could grow more severe.
During your child’s back-to-school dental visit, the dentist is likely to take X-rays to see how your child’s teeth are developing. They’ll also use this as an opportunity to look at the roots of your child’s tooth and make sure they are healthy. X-rays will only be taken as necessary and your child may not require them.
If it happens that your child plays sports, bring in their mouthguard so the dentist can check its fit and look for wear and tear. They may need their mouthguard re-done if they have gone through a growth spurt, lost teeth, or are in the process of getting new ones.
Finally, your dentist may talk to you about the possibility of sealants for your child’s teeth and other procedures that can help them continue maintaining a healthy smile. Your child will get a cleaning at their back-to-school examination as well, which is an absolute must even if your child brushes regularly.
The work of a professional dentist and their tools simply don’t compare to brushing at home. While brushing and flossing at home are vital for your child’s overall health, your dentist will use this opportunity to look through your child’s mouth more closely and scrape tartar and buildup that brushing alone can’t remove.
If your child is about to start school for the year and needs a school dental exam in Blackfoot, contact our office today to schedule their appointment.